
Berikut portfolio saya dalam kepenulisan, partnership, dan web development.


Selain menulis di blog, saya juga mencoba untuk ikut menulis buku.

Jejak Kenangan – Mamah Gajah Bercerita

Jenis: Buku Antologi
Penulis: ITB Motherhood – Mamah Gajah Bercerita
Penerbit: Stiletto Book

Blurb: Masa kuliah adalah masa paling indah bagi banyak orang. Para mamah gajah yang berkisah dalam buku ini pun membagikan kisah-kisah tak terlupannya ketika mereka masih menjadi mahasiswi Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). Cerita haru, cerita seru, cerita romantis sampai tragis. Begitu banyak cerita, begitu banyak hikmah yang dapat dipetik. Siapa pun dapat ikut bernostalgia dan mendapatkan inspirasi dari buku ini.

Saya juga mencoba membuat e-book dari gabungan tulisan-tulisan saya yang ada di blog ini.


Blog reisha.net sudah pernah bekerjasama dengan brand-brand berikut. Untuk kerjasama blog, saya bisa dihubungi melalui email halo@reisha.net.

Blogging Achievements

Sejak tahun 2018 saya mulai mengikuti lomba blog dan ada beberapa lomba yang saya menangkan.

Pemenang Apresiasi Kompetisi Penulisan Berita Kesehatan Kategori Media Sosial (Blog)

Penyelenggara: Kementerian Kesehatan RI

Tulisan: Yuk, Terapkan Lagu “Aku Anak Sehat” untuk Menuju Indonesia Sehat

Merupakan lomba blog yang mengangkat tema Indonesia Sehat Melalui Pencegahan Stunting dan Perlindungan Imunisasi. Peserta bisa memilih subtema tentang Pencegahan Stunting atau Perlindungan Imunisasi.

Pemenang Episode 4 Serial Lomba Blogger #RokokHarusMahal

Penyelenggara: Kantor Berita Radio KBR

Tulisan: Rokok Tidak Hanya Membahayakan Kesehatan, Tapi Juga Memiskinkan

Merupakan lomba blog serial yang mengangkat tema #rokokharusmahal. Selama 8 minggu, ada topik berbeda terkait rokok yang dibahas di KBR. Di episode 4 dibahas seputar rokok dan kaitannya dengan kemiskinan dan capaian SDG.

Pemenang Episode 3 Serial Lomba Blogger #RokokHarusMahal

Penyelenggara: Kantor Berita Radio KBR

Tulisan: Selamatkan Generasi dari Bahaya Rokok dengan Dukung Rokok Harus Mahal

Merupakan lomba blog serial yang mengangkat tema #rokokharusmahal. Selama 8 minggu, ada topik berbeda terkait rokok yang dibahas di KBR. Di episode 3 dibahas seputar rokok dan kaitannya dengan peran perempuan untuk menyelamatkan generasi dari bahaya rokok.

Pemenang Terbaik 2 Lomba Menulis Cerita Seputar Diare

Penyelenggara: PT. Kalbe Farma

Tulisan: Saat Akas Pertama Kali Diare

Merupakan lomba blog yang mengangkat tema pengalaman seputar diare.

Web Development

I am a software developer specializing in front-end development. Have good knowledge regarding responsive web. Download my web development portfolio in PDF or just scroll down this page.

Kelas Literasi Ibu Profesional (KLIP)

klip.web.id is official website of Kelas Literasi Ibu Profesional (KLIP), one of literacy community within Ibu Profesional.

I developed this website using Blogger, created some Google Forms for members registration and submission, and created monthly report from the submissions.

Type: responsive website development
Keywords: blogspot, responsive, html, css, jquery, google form, google sheet

Bukalapak Career Site

I was involved in a small team to revamp Bukalapak Career Site. In this website you can learn more about Bukalapak cultures and values, and find available job opportunities in Bukalapak.

This project also marked my role transition in Bukalapak, from User Interface Engineer into Front-end Engineer.

Type: front-end development
Keywords: vue.js, nuxt.js, responsive, html, css


MamahGajahBerlari (MGB) is a female ITB Alumni running club. At the end of 2020, MGB created MGB Challenge event, then this website was born.

I developed this website using WordPress, created a custom page to get members’ Strava token, and crafted the challenge’s leaderboard using Google Data Studio.

Type: responsive website development
Keywords: wordpress, elementor, responsive, php, html, css, strava, google data studio, community website, postgresql


BukaPengadaan is a B2B and B2G e-procurement platform in Bukalapak. I am part of its engineering team, started as User Interface Engineer who created vue.js components code that matches client-approved designs for BukaPengadaan.

Type: front-end development
Keywords: vue.js, nuxt.js, html, css

1minggu1cerita (Member Site)

This is a website for 1minggu1cerita blogger community members, where members can submit their latest blogpost URL, read members submissions, see members list, and view a simple statistic related to their activities in 1minggu1cerita.

The website was previously developed from scratch by other admin, then I improved the UI and added some new features for both members and admins.

Type: responsive website development
Keywords: codeigniter, responsive, php, html, css, jquery, community website

1minggu1cerita (Main Site)

1minggu1cerita.id is official website of 1minggu1cerita blogger community, which support its member to regularly publish blog posts, at least once a week.

I modified the website theme to be more fresh and aligned with its new logo. I also manage the website contents.

Type: wordpress theme modification
Keywords: wordpress, responsive, php, html, css, community website

Aznil & Hani Wedding Invitation

I made wedding invitation website for Aznil & Hani wedding. They got married on February 1st, 2018.

The invitation is one page website with an attractive design, prewedding photo gallery, and guestbook created with Comments Plugins from Facebook.

Type: responsive website development
Keywords: tumblr, responsive, html, css, bootstrap, jquery, single page, wedding website

eClass Syariah Saham

eClass Syariah Saham is an online education platform from syariahsaham.com which has objective to educate people about sharia stock investment and trading.

I set up thinkific for this eClass, created responsive landing page, modified landing page for each provided course, and now manage it as administrator.

Type: responsive website development
Keywords: thinkific, responsive, ui design, html, css, bootstrap, jquery, landing page, online course

Syariah Saham

syariahsaham.com is official website of Syariah Saham which regularly publish articles on sharia stock investment and trading.

I modified the website theme to be more modern and fresh. Moreover, this website previously used default mobile theme from blogspot for mobile devices, so I also modified the theme to be responsive.

Type: blogspot theme modification
Keywords: blogspot, responsive, html, css

Solusi Hijau

Solusi Hijau is a marketplace and consultant for building which links customer and supplier. I modified the website theme based on design provided by the client so it looks more simple and fresh.

Type: wordpress theme modification
Keywords: wordpress, responsive, php, html, css, jquery

Lenterra.co Photography Portfolio

Lenterra.co is a photography website for fashion, food, interior, and lifestyle.

I developed this website using WordPress and adjust the theme to match client’s design. The website has several pages: about, portfolio, and contact.

Type: responsive website development
Keywords: wordpress, responsive, php, html, css, jquery, photography website, portfolio website

Reyhan & Rahayu Wedding Invitation

I made wedding invitation website for Reyhan & Rahayu wedding. They got married on April 23rd, 2017.

The invitation is one page website with an attractive design, has event location with Google Maps, prewedding photo gallery, and guestbook created with Comments Plugins from Facebook. (previously was put in http://reyhanrahayu.com)

Type: responsive website development
Keywords: tumblr, responsive, html, css, bootstrap, jquery, single page, wedding website

Srikandi & Fadlil Wedding Invitation

I made wedding invitation website for Srikandi (Sre) & Fadlil wedding. They got married on August 16th, 2014.

The invitation is one page website with an attractive design, has event location with Google Maps, prewedding photo gallery, and guestbook created with Comments Plugins from Facebook. (previously they used domain)

Type: responsive website development
Keywords: tumblr, responsive, html, css, bootstrap, single page, wedding website

Info Pangan Jakarta (IPJ)

Info Pangan Jakarta (IPJ) consists of 2 parts: 1) public website containing price information of strategic food commodities in 13 markets in DKI Jakarta, and 2) private dashboard used by Tim Pengendalian Inflasi Daerah (TPID) DKI Jakarta to manage price data and website contents, and to monitor and assist decision-making.

My job was designing both websites above and creating responsive HTML and CSS code for them.

Type: responsive website design
Keywords: responsive, html, css, bootstrap, e-government

Reisha & Evan Wedding Invitation

This was a personal project, creating my own wedding invitation website. We got married on January 9th, 2014.

The invitation is one page website with unique and anti-mainstream design, has event location with Google Maps, prewedding photo gallery, and guestbook created with Comments Plugins from Facebook.

Type: responsive website development
Keywords: tumblr, responsive, html, css, bootstrap, single page, wedding website

Portal Informasi Harga Pangan (PRIANGAN)

Portal Informasi Harga Pangan (PRIANGAN) is a public website containing price information of strategic food commodities in markets in cities/regencies in West Java.

My job was redesigning the website and creating the HTML and CSS code.

Type: website design
Keywords: html, css, e-government

Slicing PSD to HTML

I am a software developer specializing in front-end development. Experienced in converting design to clean and non-cluttered code.

Earhoox Prelaunching Site

Converted client’s design to responsive web HTML and CSS code.

Earhoox Prelaunching Email

Converted client’s design to responsive HTML and CSS code for MailChimp/SendGrid.

Learn Safari Prelaunching Site

Converted client’s design to HTML and CSS code.

Hero Prelaunching Site

Converted client’s design to HTML and CSS code.

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